Definition of Ball hawk

1. Noun. A team athlete who is skilled at stealing or catching the ball.

Generic synonyms: Athlete, Jock

Definition of Ball hawk

1. Noun. (baseball) an outfielder who is particularly good at defense, especially one who is particularly good at fielding fly balls. ¹

2. Noun. (sports) In team ball games, a player who is particular good at catching or getting possession of the ball. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ball Hawk

ball carrier
ball carriers
ball cartridge
ball clay
ball club
ball cock
ball fern
ball field
ball flower
ball flowers
ball game
ball games
ball girl
ball girls
ball gown
ball hawk
ball hawking
ball hawks
ball in hand
ball lightning
ball machine
ball machines
ball nettle
ball nightshade
ball of fire
ball of the foot
ball of the thumb
ball over
ball pit
ball pits

Literary usage of Ball hawk

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Building Fluency by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers, Compilation, Gerald Tindal, Melanie Coon, Joy Evans, Marilyn Evans (2006)
"So Coyote wadded up more tule into a ball. Hawk flew into the night sky. He lit the ball of grass. This time, the ball did not blaze brightly. ..."

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